Stories tagged Wordless Comics

New Yorker Cartoonist and Children’s Book Illustrator Ed Koren Talks About His Wild Scribble Career

The 4th Annual Bookstock, the Green Mountain Festival of Words, will take place on Friday, July 27, through Sunday, July 29, 2012 in the beautiful village of Woodstock, Vermont.

Special Guest: Ed Koren
One Thousand Cartoons and Counting: Passion, Neuroses and Silliness

Also, don’t miss David Berona‘s Reading Pictures: The Language of Wordless Books. Wordless books and woodcut novels, an old way of telling new stories and the growing importance of visual narrative.

For more information about Bookstock, visit:


The Center for Cartoon Studies Cartooning Studio workshop is being offered around the nearby Bookstock Festival weekend. Click here for more information and to register.

Tags: Bookstock, David Berona, Ed Koren, New Yorker, Woodstock Vermont, Wordless Comics