Stories tagged Sandy Bartholomew (’17)

The Ladybroad Ledger: A new comics newspaper featuring female creators from Vermont


Stephanie Zuppo (′15) and Rachel Lindsay are the driving force behind The Ladybroad Ledger, a free comics newspaper featuring female comics creators from Vermont. The first issue of the newspaper (12 pages) is now being distributed at schools, libraries, and businesses throughout Vermont. Their plan is to put out an issue twice a year. This issue of the black-and-white paper features comics by Rachel Lindsay, Julianna Brazil, Laura Martin (′17), Sandy Bartholomew (′17), Bridget Comeau (′15), Susan Norton, Angela Boyle (′16 – yes, that is me), Kelly Swann (′16), Michelle Sayles, Iona Fox (′15), and Stephanie herself, along with a cover color and short interview with Glynnis Fawkes.

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Tags: Angela Boyle, Bridget Comeau ('15), Comics, Generator, Glynnis Fawkes, Iona Fox ('15), Julianna Brazil, Kelly Swann ('16), Laura Martin ('17), Michelle Sayles, newspaper, Rachel Lindsay, Sandy Bartholomew ('17), Seven Days, Stephanie Zuppo, Susan Norton, The Ladybroad Ledger, Vermont, VPR, Wimmen's Comix