Stories tagged MFA Degree

CCS Diplomas across the Years

Every year, The Center for Cartoon Studies gets a different artist to draw the dipoloma for their graduates. The artist is kept a secret until the actual graduation ceremony when it is unveiled with the honorary degree is given to that year’s graduation speaker. Diploma drawing above by Eleanor Davis.

Chu holding diploma by Jason.

And you can see them all on CCS’s Flickr! Follow us on Instagram to see the 2018 diploma revealed on Saturday, May 5th!

2016 diploma by Liniers

Tags: Cartoon Studies, Cartooning Program, Certificate in Cartooning, Comics, diplomas, Eleanor Davis, Jason, Liniers, MFA, MFA Degree, Sequential Art

Study Comics in Vermont: MFA and Certificate Applications Open for Fall 2016!


Applications are now open for fall 2016!

Join The Center for Cartoon Studies MFA or Certificate program! Apply online now!

Tags: Cartoon Studies, Certificate in Cartooning, Certificate in Comics, Comics Workshop, Graphic Narrative, Graphic Novel, MFA Degree, MFA in Comics, Sequential Art MFA