Stories tagged illustrated stories

War Stories, Illustrated: Cartoonists and Veterans Collaborate on New Anthology


CCS student Kelly Swann’s
field sketch of Kevin Willey

NHPR on The Cartoonists Veteran Project: A Powerful Account of a Veteran

Listen to New Hampshire Public Radio on The Center for Cartoon Studies collaboration with the VA Medical Center. This past year students and faculty from The Center for Cartooning Studies (CCS) invited veterans and their families to learn about cartooning and share their stories with the intention of turning those stories into comics.


The cartoonist veteran project is funded in part with support from The National Endowment for the Arts.

Tags: Applied Cartooning, Cartoon Studies, Cartoonist Veteran Project, CCS, Comics, Graphic Medicine, illustrated stories, Kelly Swann, NEA, NHPR, PTSD, VA Medical Center

New Children’s Book Workshop at Cartoon Studies June 25-29

Workshop the children’s book you’ve always wanted to create with CCS instructors and renowned authors and illustrators.

Children’s Book Workshop
June 25-29

This new, goal-oriented workshop will explore several aspects of writing and illustrating books for children through hands on exercises and activities. Faculty include celebrated children’s book authors, illustrators, and cartoonists: Scott C. (East Dragon, West Dragon), Jon Chad (Leo Geo and His Miraculous Journey Through the Center of the Earth), DB Johnson (Creator of Henry Picture Books/image above), James Sturm (Adventures in Cartooning) and Alec Longstreth (Phase 7).

Click here for more information and to register. Space is limited.

Tags: Cartoon Studies, Children's Book, DB Johnson, illustrated stories, Scott C, Sequential Art

New Children’s Book Workshop at CCS this Summer!

Children’s Book Workshop
June 25-29

Exploring aspects of writing and illustrating books for children

This new, goal-oriented workshop will explore several aspects of writing and illustrating books for children through hands on exercises and activities. Faculty include celebrated children’s book authors, illustrators, and cartoonists: Scott C. (East Dragon, West Dragon), Jon Chad (Leo Geo and His Miraculous Journey Through the Center of the Earth), DB Johnson (Creator of Henry Picture Books / image above), James Sturm (Adventures in Cartooning) and Alec Longstreth (Phase 7).

For more information and to register…

Tags: Alec Longstreth, books for children, Cartoon Workshop, cartoonist, children book, Children's Book, DB Johnson, illustrated stories, James Sturm, Jon Chad, Scott C