Stories tagged Dan Chaon

Graphic Medicine Conference

Page from Mom's Cancer by Brian Fies

The Graphic Medicine Conference has been an annual gathering across North America and the United Kingdom since 2010. And in 2018, the venue is at The Center for Cartoon Studies!

London, 2010, was hosted at the School of Advanced Study, Institute of English Studies, University of London. The keynote speakers were Paul Gravett (editor of The Mammoth Book of Best Crime Comics, 2008), Brian Fies (Mom’s Cancer, 2006), and Marc Zaffran.

Cover of Mom's Cancer by Brian Fies

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Tags: Al Davison, Brian Fies, C Tyler, Carol Tilley, Carol Tyler, Cartoon Studies, Comics and Medicine, Dan Chaon, David B, David Small, Elisabeth El Refaie, Ellen Forney, Georgia Webber, Graphic Medicine, Harvey Pekar, Hillary Chute, James Sturm, Jared Gardner, JD Lunt, Joyce Brabner, Joyce Farmer, Justin Green, Kurt Shaffert, Lynda Barry, Marc Zaffran, Paul Gravette, Phoebe Gloeckner, Rupert Kinnard