Stories tagged Belknap

Visiting Artist: Hillary Chute

Work by Hillary Chute

Hillary Chute’s book Why Comics? From Underground to Everywhere will be out from HarperCollins in December 2017. She has taught at the University of Chicago and Harvard University and is professor of English and Art + Design at Northeastern University. She is also the author of Disaster Drawn: Visual Witness, Comics, and Documentary Form (Belknap, 2016), Outside the Box: Interviews with Contemporary Cartoonists (University of Chicago Press, 2014), and Graphic Women: Life Narrative and Contemporary Comics (Columbia University Press, 2010), as well as associate editor of Art Spiegelman’s MetaMaus (Pantheon). She has collaborated with cartoonists such as Spiegelman and Alison Bechdel, and has written for publications including Artforum, Bookforum, The New York Review of Books, and Poetry.

Hillary Chute

Tags: Belknap, Cartoon Studies, CCS Visiting Artist, Disaster Drawn, Graphic Women, Hillary Chute, MetaMaus, Outside the Box, Pantheon, Visiting Artist, Why Comics