Alum Luke Healy’s How to Survive in the North Makes Publishers Weekly 5 Best Graphic Novels of 2016 List!

November 3, 2016


The Center for Cartoon Studies alum Luke Healy ‘s 14 HOW TO SURVIVE IN THE NORTH makes Publishers Weekly Best Graphic Novels 2016 top 5 list! PW’s list includes CCS recent commencement speaker Nate Powell’s, March: Book Three by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate. Also on the list is The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye (Sonny Liew), The One Hundred Nights of Hero: A Graphic Novel (Isabel Greenberg), and Rosalie Lightning (Tom Hart).

Tags: Best Graphic Novel, Best Graphic Novel List, CCS Alum, How To Survive In The North, Luke Healy, March, Nate Powell, Nobrow, Publishers Weekly, PW