Glynnis Fawkes joins CCS faculty this fall

August 30, 2019

Glynnis Fawkes has a BA from University of Oregon, BFA from Pacific NW College of Art, and MFA from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston/Tufts University. On a Fulbright Fellowship to Cyprus she published two books, one of paintings and another of cartoons. Her comics have been nominated for an Ignatz award, the Slate Cartoonist Studio Prize, and won the Society of Illustrators MoCCA Award for Excellence in 2016 and 2017, and have appeared in Daily Shouts on The New She’s held two residencies at La Maison des Auteurs in Angouleme, France. Her books include The Center for Cartoon Studies Presents Charlotte Brontë Before Jane Eyre (Disney-Hyperion), Persephone’s Garden (Secret Acres), Reign of Crumbs (Kilgore) and Greek Diary. She is a recipient of a 2019-20 Vermont Arts Council Creation Grant to complete her next book, a middle grade adventure set in Late Bronze Age Greece.