February 8, 2017

Event date: –

On display through May 22
Clark University at the Higgins Lounge at Dana Commons

The Center for Cartoon Studies (CCS) cofounder James Sturm has curated an exhibit for Clark Universities Higgins School for Humanities as part of their “What’s so funny?” series of public lectures, community conversation and exhibits on humor. Featuring comics by Scott Bateman, Cara Bean, Marek Bennett, Liza Donnelly, Eroyn Franklin, Luke Howard ′13, Kazimir Lee Iskander ′16, Liniers (CCS Fellow), J.D. Lunt ′16, Josh Neufeld, Rebecca Roher ′15, Jess Ruliffson, Anna Sellheim ′16, Kelly L. Swann ′16, Whit Taylor, Tillie Walden ′16, Maris Wicks, and CCS instructor Sophie Yanow.

Comics have the unique ability to convey complex information quickly and effectively while engaging people of all ages, nationalities, and socio-economic backgrounds. Comics are an intimate medium allowing a single creator to inform, advocate, and document. As our modes of communication became increasingly visual, I’m interested in the growing number of ways that cartoonists are engaging with the world outside of traditional publishing venues. The work gathered here suggests many of the paths that cartoonists will travel.

The exhibition will be on display through May 22 at the Higgins Lounge at Dana Commons. For more information, visit: