Admissions Application
If you can draw a snowperson, a robot and a piece of fruit then you’ll find this application process remarkably simple and fun. No test scores required for admission. We assess your work and life experience thus far, and recognize where your strength and skills excel.
Tuition and Loans
CCS is far more affordable than comparable programs. We’re all about more value and less debt. Tuition is based on one academic year. Click here for the academic year tuition rate and fees.

Vermont: Risks and Rewards
CCS is located in White River Junction, Vermont (lovingly referred to as “the Junc.”). Living in a small, remote, New England village offers numerous challenges and rewards. Click here to learn more about the village and Vermont and New Hampshire Upper Valley region.
and Assistance:
Speak to a CCS member who can walk you through the application process and answer any questions you have regarding the program and the area.
Cuyler Hedlund ’19
Program Assistant
(802) 295-3319