New alum books with Avery Hill

January 5, 2018

On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden and Permanent Press by Luke Healy

As part of Avery Hill Publishing’s six books in 2018, they will release their fourth book with Tillie Walden ′16 (Spinning) and their first book with Luke Healy ’14 (How to Survive in the North).

Page from On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden

Avery Hill, a UK-based publisher, was the first to jump on the Walden wagon (or Tillie train, if you prefer), publishing her first graphic novel, The End of Summer, in 2015. They have since published two additional graphic novels by Tillie—I Love This Part and A City Inside. Tillie is releasing the UK edition of her fifth graphic novel, On a Sunbeam, through Avery Hill. (First Second will release the US edition.) Originally published as a web comic, this queer space opera is about Mia growing from a rebellious schoolgirl to her time as part of a crew rebuilding beautiful but broken down structures in the deepest reaches of space.

Page from Permanent Press by Luke Healy

Luke Healy is a new addition to the Avery Kill creators. Permanent Press by Luke Healy is a fantastical autobiography exploring themes of art and existence through worlds of words and numbers, both real and imagined. Permanent Press is 136 pages and includes the Ignatz Award and Slate Cartoonist Studio Prize nominated story “The Unofficial Cuckoo’s Nest Study Companion.”

Tags: A City Inside, Avery Hill Publishing, Cartoon Studies, First Second, I love this part, Luke Healy, Permanent Press, Spinning, The End of Summer, Tillie Walden, upcoming release